Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ukies--47. The Finish

The Finish

A few months after we graduated from school I heard that Olena was expecting. This was in the diner and I thought I’d be smart and said, “Expecting what?”

“Listen to this,” the guys laughed, “He don’t know what expecting is!”

After the usual ribbing and taunts they settled down.

“I wouldn’t like to get one of these girls from school,” said one guy, shaking his head. “More experience is better.”

“Yeah,” said another. “Get one who knows where to get a job and hold it!”

They’d laugh and again they started ribbing and jesting. I’d had enough. “Gotta go,” I said and walked away from their hooting and smart laughter.

I was going to go home but I kept on walking and thinking. Boy, I knew Olena’s kid wasn’t mine, I was still a virgin, but did I want it to be mine?

The lights increased and I was in the Village, near the Sheridan movie house. Would I see Olena anywhere? Fat chance, I knew. I lit a cigarette and kept on walking...Times Square was getting closer and surer…

Ukrainian days were definitely over…


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